About Us

Our Mission

Ridley Park Presbyterian Church exists to give glory to God through worship, service, outreach, spiritual growth and mutual encouragement.

We seek to live out the call of our Lord Jesus Christ to: Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; and love our neighbors as ourselves. (Mark 12:29-31); and to be faithful to his mandate to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Our Worship

9:00 AM Contemporary worship service along with Sunday School for all children through 12th grade. 11:00 Traditional worship service.

We believe that the human heart was created to worship God. In relationship with God through Jesus Christ we find fulfilment and purpose. Our worship services are designed to guide us into a sense of God’s presence and to encourage us to give ourselves more completely to God in love, service and fellowship.

Sunday School for children and youth is offered during our worship service. Children start in the sanctuary and are dismissed part-way through the service to their classes.  Nursery care is provided for children up to age 3.

Online services are available on Facebook and YouTube. They are posted by about noon on Sundays.

Worship Services at 9 & 11 AM

Common Questions

Our Staff


Rev. James Thomas


Jim is beginning his sixth year as pastor of RPPC, having joined us in August of 2018. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He entered full-time ministry as youth director at the First Presbyterian Church of Duluth, MN, then served as Associate Pastor at the Central Presbyterian Church of Downingtown, PA, followed by the Lewistown Presbyterian Church in central Pennsylvania where he was Head of Staff. Jim and his wife, Devon, live in Ridley Park.


Karyn Knox

Worship Director & Secretary

Karyn Knox graduated from Philadelphia College of Bible (now Cairn University) with Bachelor’s Degrees in Bible and Piano Performance. Karyn has worked in church music ever since graduation in 1983. She has also directed music for many theatre productions. Karyn enjoys the dual role at RPPC of music director and church secretary. She loves working with people and has a desire to help everyone feel connected to their church home. She has been at RPPC since 2012. Karyn and her husband, Dave live in New Jersey and have two grown children and 6 granddaughters.


Dave Knox

Christian Education Director

Dave Knox has attended RPPC since 2012. Dave was a youth pastor at two prior churches for twenty years and then was a Probation Officer in New Jersey for nine years. Dave received his Bachelor's degree from Philadelphia College of Bible and a Master's degree from The College of New Jersey and Philadelphia Biblical University. Dave worked in the youth ministry as a volunteer or the first nine years at RPPC and in August 2021 he became the Christian Education Director. It has been an answer to prayer to become a staff member at RPPC.

Holly Jacobs

Holly is our new Communications Coordinator at Ridley Park Presbyterian Church! She went to West York Area High School and  is graduating from West Chester University in May of 2025 with a degree in Media and Culture with a concentration in Production and Strategic Media. She attends 938 Church in West Chester. She is also a Sophomore Girls Bible Study leader with her student ministry Cru. Holly also has her own photography business! She loves to travel whether it is skiing, to the beach, or her most traveled location, Dallas. We are so excited for her to be joining us. 


Sheila Schreffler

Financial Secretary

Sheila Schreffler is a graduate of Penncrest High School and Drexel University. Her career in bookkeeping, accounting, human resources and finance spans 40 years. She began serving RPPC as Financial Secretary in June of 2023, and looks forward to many years of serving the Lord here! Sheila is a 40-year member of the Middletown Presbyterian Church, where she has served as both Deacon and Elder. She lives in Glen Mills with her husband, Ken. She has two adult children and two cats. Away from work, she enjoys history and travel. She hopes to visit all US National Parks and major league baseball stadiums!

Dan Lunde

Worship Assistant

Dan Lunde is excited to be a part of the worship team at RPPC. He is a singer, pianist and song writer, married to our soprano lead vocalist, Erin. He has sung and played piano in his church teams since elementary school and loves being a part of a dynamic musical ensemble. He also has a love for music technology, sound recording and mixing. He is a full-time Registered Nurse with Jefferson University Hospital.

Erin Lunde

Soloist & Worship Leader

Erin Lunde was brought up in a very musical family. She grew up singing in the church choir, school choirs and in various musical theater productions in the area. She has been a member of Ridley Park Presbyterian Church since she was young. After college she was hired as the church soloist. Since then, she met and recently married her loving husband, Dan, here at RPPC.


Beth Robinson

Nursery School Co-Director

Beth is Co-Director of the Nursery School and teaches two Nursery Classes.  Her daughter and two sons attended the Nursery School.  She is an active member of the Ridley Park Presbyterian Church and can be seen at Vacation Bible School in the summer and serving on Church committees.  She lives in Springfield with her husband Kevin and family.  Beth is a Ridley grad and attended Towson State University as an undergrad and got her Masters Degree from West Chester.


Pat Kessler

Nursery School Co-Director

Pat has been Co-Director of the Nursery School for 11 years. She is currently in her 36th year on the staff. Her two grown sons attended the Nursery School and her husband Ken can also be seen around the school helping with repairs and projects as a member of the "Busy Bodies" men's group.  She is an active Penn State Alumna and also has a Masters Degree from SUNY.  She  currently lives in Folsom.


Geoff Knoell


Geoff has been a member of Ridley Park Presbyterian Church since 1997.  He has played in both the youth and adult bell choir in the church.  After obtaining a Bacholer of Music degree from West Chester University in 2007, he became a general music teacher at Linwood Elementary School in the Chichester School District.  He currently holds that position which includes directing the 4th grade handbell choir.  In 2015, Geoffrey obtained his Masters of Music degree from WCU.  Currently he is the director of the adult bell choir at the church called the Praise Ringers!  He has held that position since 2018. He also plays drums for our praise team.

Get in Touch

We would love to connect with you. Feel free to contact us or join us at one of our service times.

Service Times

9:00 Contemporary Service, 11:00 Traditional Service



300 N. Swarthmore Ave Ridley Park, PA 19078


Office: (610) 532-9400
Nursery School: (610) 532-4848
Fax: (610) 532-0210


Office: info@rppcusa.org

Pastor: pastor@rppcusa.org

Nursery: nurseryschool@rppcusa.org

Children & Youth: dave@rppcusa.org

Financial Secretary: treasurer@rppcusa.org

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