Hurricane Relief
In partnership with our Nursery School, we’re collecting items to be sent down to the Asheville, NC area on Saturday, October 12. A donation box is located just outside of the Nursery School office inside the RPPC building. Below is an Amazon list. You can order items to be sent directly to the people traveling to Asheville. Please choose the shipping address: “Megan’s gift registry address” when you order and be sure your items will arrive by October 11 at the very latest.
Items Needed: Canned Goods, canned meat, matches, toiletries, formula, diapers & wipes, feminine products, shoes, freshly washed clothing (all sizes labeled & bagged), freshly washed blankets & towels (labeled & bagged), underwear & socks (all sizes, must be new), batteries, instant coffee, powdered creamer, paper goods, paper plates, plastic utensils, disposable cups.